Meaningful Paths

Welcome Course – Purpose Discovery

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Welcome to the world of Meaningful Paths! It is a pleasure to walk this journey with you on purposeful living. In this short course there are four videos which will talk you through the 4 fundamental motivations.

In our pursuit of a meaningful and fulfilling life, existential analysis provides a framework that highlights four fundamental motivations essential for human existence. These motivations address our core needs and guide us in navigating the complexities of life:

  1. The Motivation for Being (Existence)
    • Here we are motivated by the fundamental question of existing in the world – ‘Do I have the necessary space, protection and support in the world?’ Our model below shows this as: Thoughts/Cognition, perception of the reality and the facts. I am here, but can I be? Am I giving my consent to my place in the world with my capabilities and the world circumstances around me?
  2. The Motivation for Life (Enjoyment)
    • This motivation focuses on the capacity to experience life as valuable and enjoyable. Our model below shows this as: Emotions, listing the values, weighing all possibilities. Do I experience fulfilment, affection and appreciation of values? A focus on life with its networks of relationships and feelings.
  3. The Motivation for Self (Identity)
    • This fundamental motivation addresses the need to relate authentically to oneself and others. It involves developing a strong sense of self-worth and self-awareness. Our model below shows this as: Value-based Decisions, choosing the most valuable thing to do. By recognizing and valuing our own identity, we can build genuine relationships and live in alignment with our true selves.
  4. The Motivation for Meaning (Purpose)
    • This motivation is about having a sense of purpose and meaning in life. It involves engaging in activities and relationships that are significant and contribute to a sense of purpose. Our model below shows this as: Activity, acting the chosen situation – motivation. This fundamental motivation drives us to find and create meaning in our experiences, guiding us towards a fulfilling and purposeful existence.

These four fundamental motivations are essential for achieving eudaimonia, a state of living in accordance with one’s true self. They provide a comprehensive understanding of the essential needs that must be met for a fulfilling and authentic life.


Meet Your Practitioner


Sandy is an accomplished psychologist with a Psychotherapy Degree in Existential Analysis and Logotherapy from The Viennese School of Existential Analysis and Logotherapy (GLE-I). With expertise in clinical psychology and research, Sandy has made significant contributions in the field.

With a passion for helping others, she has achieved remarkable breakthroughs, including facilitating positive change for high-risk youth and aiding patients in overcoming trauma. Committed to continuous learning, she has completed various trainings, expanding their expertise in trauma-focused intervention, suicide prevention, and qualitative research.
Driven by a desire to make a difference, Sandy combines their academic background, professional experience, and dedication to provide exceptional care and support in the field of psychology.