Meaningful Paths

From Lost Hope to Found Purpose

Adventure 2

Written and narrated by Sandy ElChaar

…Once upon a time, in a bustling city, there lived a person named Charlie. Charlie was like any other person in the city, going through the motions of life but feeling a deep sense of emptiness within. Each day, Charlie would wake up, go to work and return home… following a monotonous routine that seemed to lack purpose.

One evening, as Charlie sat on a park bench, watching the sunset paint the sky in hues of orange and purple, a thought sparked within their mind. “Is this all there is to life? Is there something more meaningful that I’m missing?” 

Can you think of a particular time in your life when you were looking for meaning?  What was it that brought you to that search? 

Life is a journey filled with twists and turns, where we often find ourselves at crossroads, facing overwhelming obstacles and experiencing a search for meaning. Crossroads in life means to be at a stage when one has to make a very important decision. We realise that where we are now is a place where hope, once vibrant and alive, had become a distant memory, obscured by the weight of despair. However, amidst these challenging moments lies the opportunity to rediscover ourselves, find hope, and transform our lives. In this tale, we find ourselves at a crossroads in life, faced with choices that could shape our destiny. Such crossroads represent pivotal moments where our search for meaning intertwines with the paths we choose, shaping the very essence of our existence. A moment of reflection, where we ask ourselves: “What Meaningful Paths Shall We take?”

At some point in life, we may find ourselves trapped in a state of despair, feeling as if hope has abandoned us. Lost hope is not simply a fleeting moment of disappointment; it is a profound sense of disconnection from the world around us. It casts a veil of darkness over our perceptions, distorting our view of ourselves and our future. It whispers doubts into our ears, sowing seeds of self-doubt and extinguishing the flame of possibility. Yet, within this bleakness, lies a flicker of potential. It is in the acknowledgment of our lost hope that we begin to reclaim our power. By acknowledging our lost hope and sitting with the pain, to feel its depths, we open the door to transformation and rediscovery.

 In the depths of the human psyche, there exists a peculiar state known as the existential vacuum. Coined by the insightful Viktor E. Frankl, this concept captures the profound sense of emptiness that can pervade one’s existence, signalling a loss of purpose that is not yet pathological. Any individual can be caught in the grip of the existential vacuum, tormented by a sense of dreadful meaninglessness that renders life dull and devoid of interest. For example, young individuals, once vibrant and full of curiosity, may find themselves lingering on the streets, their spirits apathetic and their hearts indifferent. Those affected by this state are not propelled forward by any energy; instead, they languish, passive and unengaged, like aimless wanderers in a desolate wasteland.

Alfried Längle, a pioneer in psychotherapy, adopted Frankl’s concept of the existential vacuum within the framework of his own existential analysis and logotherapy. He saw it as an experience of “feeling empty,” accompanied by a profound sense of meaninglessness. Boredom and indifference become the companions of those trapped in this vacuum, while interests wane and the motivation to take action evaporates, leaving behind a sense of lethargy.

Frankl himself emphasised that the existential vacuum should not be viewed as inherently pathological. On the contrary, he argued that doubting the meaning of life and experiencing despair over its apparent absence can reflect intellectual integrity and maturity. Rather than passively accepting handed-down meanings from tradition, the individual embarks on a personal and independent quest to discover their own sense of purpose. The existential vacuum is a complex realm, where the absence of meaning intertwines with the human quest for purpose. It challenges us to question, to seek, and to confront the void within. Understanding its nature enables us to navigate this existential terrain with greater insight and compassion, both for ourselves and for others who may find themselves trapped within its grasp.

When faced with adversity, it is natural to feel disheartened, frustrated, or even defeated. The weight of the obstacle can seem insurmountable, casting a shadow of doubt on our ability to move forward. Yet, within the depths of these challenges lies an opportunity for growth, transformation, and self-discovery. Overcoming obstacles requires a mindset shift—an unwavering belief in our own capacity to rise above the difficulties that lie in our path. It demands resilience—the ability to bounce back from setbacks, to adapt to new circumstances, and to find the inner strength to keep moving forward. While overcoming obstacles can be a daunting task, it is essential to remember that the journey itself is as important as the destination. The process of pushing through adversity shapes us, moulds us, and reveals our true character. It builds resilience, instils perseverance, and fosters a deep sense of accomplishment.

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Image Reference: Photo by Einar Storsul on Unsplash

At A Crossroad In Life

To fully understand the significance of being at a crossroads in life, we will explore its deeper meaning. In fact, life is a tapestry of choices, and at various points along our journey, we find ourselves standing at crossroads. These crossroads represent moments of decision, where the path we choose can shape the trajectory of our lives. 

The meaning of crossroads in life goes beyond mere physical intersections. It symbolises the deeper existential quandaries we encounter—the moments when we question our purpose, reevaluate our values, and reassess our goals. It is a time of introspection, where we search our souls for the answers that will guide us forward. The beauty of these crossroads lies in the power of choice. We have the ability to shape our destinies, to forge a path that aligns with our true selves. Each road presents its own set of possibilities, risks, and rewards. It is within these choices that we reveal our character, our resilience, and our capacity for growth. However, the weight of decision-making can be overwhelming. Doubts may cloud our judgement, and the fear of making the wrong choice can paralyse us. But it is important to remember that the crossroads are not about finding a perfect path, but rather about embarking on a journey of self-discovery.

To navigate these crossroads, we must listen to the whispers of our intuition, trust our inner voice, and acknowledge the desires that reside deep within us. It requires self-reflection, soul-searching, and a willingness to embrace vulnerability. It may also involve seeking guidance from mentors, loved ones, or professionals who can offer insights and support. 

In the pursuit of meaning, we embark on a quest to find hope amidst the uncertainties of life. We actively seek out the sparks of inspiration that ignite our souls, guiding us towards a brighter and more fulfilling path. Finding hope is not a passive act; it requires a conscious effort to rekindle the flame within. At the crossroads of life, where lost hope and the search for meaning intersect, lies the opportunity for profound transformation. It is in these moments that we have the choice to redefine our purpose, reconnect with our passions, and forge a new path that aligns with our authentic selves. 

From Lost Hope To Finding Hope

Within the realm of finding hope and overcoming obstacles, the teachings of logotherapy shine as a guiding light, illuminating the path towards meaning and purpose. Developed by Viktor E. Frankl, logotherapy is a therapeutic approach rooted in the belief that the primary motivation of human beings is the pursuit of meaning in life.

In the face of challenges and adversity, logotherapy offers invaluable techniques to navigate the existential journey. It encourages individuals to explore their values, beliefs, and personal experiences to uncover the unique meaning that resonates with their core being. By examining the intricacies of one’s past and present, logotherapy empowers individuals to construct a future infused with purpose.

One of the fundamental techniques employed in logotherapy is called Socratic dialogue. Through introspective questioning and reflection, individuals engage in a profound exploration of their inner world. By delving deep into the recesses of their thoughts and emotions, they gain insights into their values, desires, and aspirations. This process allows them to identify the passions that fuel their souls and connect with a sense of purpose that transcends the hurdles they face.

Another powerful technique employed in logotherapy is reframing. By shifting the perspective through which challenges are perceived, individuals can transform obstacles into opportunities for growth and development. This process involves finding meaning in the midst of adversity and reframing difficulties as catalysts for personal transformation. It is through this reframing that individuals can regain a sense of agency and hope, even in the face of seemingly insurmountable odds.

Logotherapy also places great emphasis on the power of attitudinal change. Individuals are encouraged to cultivate an optimistic and proactive mindset, one that allows them to embrace the possibilities that exist within every moment. By choosing to focus on what can be controlled rather than what is beyond their influence, individuals can harness their inner strength and resilience to overcome obstacles and find purpose in the face of adversity.

Moreover, logotherapy recognizes the significance of self-transcendence—the act of moving beyond oneself and contributing to the well-being of others. By engaging in acts of kindness, altruism, and service, individuals not only find meaning in their own lives but also bring hope and support to those around them. This passion to help others becomes a driving force, inspiring individuals to make a positive impact on the world and fostering a sense of interconnectedness and purpose.

Through logotherapy, individuals can transcend the depths of despair and uncover a profound sense of purpose that propels them forward. It is a powerful reminder that, even in the face of adversity, there is potential for growth, fulfilment, and the discovery of our true selves. By embracing logotherapy techniques, we can navigate the complexities of life, find meaning in our experiences, and forge a path illuminated by the radiant glow of purpose.

Life’s journey is filled with ups and downs, challenges and crossroads. Yet, within these moments lies the potential for growth, transformation, and the discovery of true purpose. By understanding the significance of lost hope, finding hope, navigating crossroads, and overcoming obstacles, we can unlock our potential and lead a fulfilling and meaningful life. So, as you stand at the crossroads in life, take a deep breath, summon your courage, and trust in the inherent wisdom that lies within. Embrace the unknown, for it is within the uncertainty that the most transformative journeys unfold. Choose the path that resonates with your authentic self, knowing that even if it is not the easiest or the most conventional, it holds the promise of growth, fulfilment, and a life well-lived.

…One day, while wandering through a bustling marketplace, Charlie stumbled upon an old man selling handmade crafts. Curiosity compelled Charlie to strike up a conversation:

“Excuse me, sir. Can I ask you a question?” 

“Of course, young one,” the old man replied, his voice warm and gentle.

“I’ve been searching for meaning in my life, but I can’t seem to find it. Have you ever felt this way?” Charlie asked, a touch of vulnerability in their voice.

The old man smiled knowingly. “Ah, the quest for meaning. It is a journey we all undertake at some point. You see, my friend, meaning cannot be found externally. It resides within you.”

The old man’s words resonated deeply, and Charlie realised that the search for meaning was not a destination but a continuous journey.

As Alfried Längle put it: “When the suffering person cries out that he can see no meaning in life, he means exactly that: the meaning of life cannot be invented, but must be found”.


Längle, A. (1992): What Are We Looking for When We Search for Meaning? Ultimate Reality and Meaning, 1(4), 306-314.

Langle, A. (2003). Burnout – Existential Meaning and Possibilities of Prevention. European Psychotherapy, 4(1), 129-144.

Längle, A. (2022). The 4th Fundamental Motivation: WILL to ACT/MEANING IN AND OF LIFE. GLE-International, Vienna

Längle, S. & Wurm, C. (2018). Living Your Own Life: Existential Analysis in Action. Karnac Books.

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