Meaningful Paths


pikaso texttoimage fantasy A backpack and sand timer hour glass on to

Written by Sandy ElChaar & narrated by PrestonR.

In our fast-paced world, time often feels like a luxury we can’t afford. However, understanding the concept of time—represented by the hourglass—can help us appreciate its vital role in shaping our lives. Time is the framework within which life unfolds, and its limited nature directly impacts our relationships and personal growth.

Think of an hourglass: as the sand flows from one chamber to another, it symbolizes the moments we have to engage with the world around us. The simple act of giving time to someone or something honors its importance in our lives. Just like a tightly packed bell that cannot ring, we must allow time and space for our experiences to resonate.

Feelings require time to develop and be expressed. Without the gift of time, emotions can’t blossom, leaving us feeling overwhelmed or disconnected. For example, when we rush through life, we often miss the joy and depth that come from meaningful connections. When we make time for relationships, we create a space for emotions to flourish, leading to deeper connections and shared experiences.

Relationships thrive on the time we invest in them. When we’re in love or truly care about someone, we naturally want to spend more time together. Conversely, when time becomes scarce, relationships can suffer, becoming lifeless or stagnant. Time acts as a “thermometer” for our relationships, reflecting their vitality. By dedicating time to each other, we foster emotional intimacy and connection, essential components for any thriving relationship.

It’s also important to consider how we manage our time. In today’s society, we often prioritize efficiency over connection, leading to a linear view of time that can neglect the richness of our experiences. Embracing a more fluid, flexible approach to time allows us to engage with life more fully and creatively.

In essence, the hourglass serves as a reminder that life blossoms where we choose to spend our time. By consciously investing time in what truly matters to us—our relationships, passions, and personal growth—we open ourselves to a richer, more fulfilling existence. So, let’s take a moment to reflect on how we can make the most of our time and create a life that resonates with meaning and connection.

Reference: Längle, A. (2020). The 2nd Fundamental Motivation: The Fundamental Condition of Life – Student Manual. GLE-International, Vienna

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